Venus In Two Acts

In her article “Venus in Two Acts,”Saidiya Hartman studies the pervasive symbolism of the Black Venus in the archive of Atlantic slavery. Through oppressive archetypes (e.g., “A sulky bitch. Venus in Two Acts Archive “Is this the truth of our historic encounter?”: Museums in Literature. Categories: Critical Essays No comments. Venus in Two Acts Archive “Is this the truth of our historic encounter?”: Museums in Literature. Categories: Critical Essays. Virgo's earthy energy is practical and organized, so when fused with sensual Venus, this placement is wooed by thoughtful acts of service. Small and subtle gestures make Virgo Venus's heart aflutter. Venus rotates on its axis from East to West similar to that of Uranus’ direction of rotation. Venus is the hottest planet in the solar system while Mercury is the second hottest. The temperature on Venus (425 degree Celsius) is sufficient enough to melt Lead. Venus is slightly smaller than Earth.

Astrology, Cancer, Venus

Venus is the planet of love, relationships, beauty, and finances. It influences the way we think about love, how we feel about being in a partnership, how we act on our needs and desires, and the role money and people play in our lives. Tracking which zodiac sign Venus is in can help you see which cosmic factors are influencing you and your relationships with others.

Venus is connected to Cancer in a very special way. Venus feels comfortable in Cancer, ready to spread her affection wherever she goes. Venus in Cancer motivates us to find more secure relationships since it’s very emotionally connected to love -- no meaningless affairs here! Home and family matters are also important to this cosmic pair.

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When Venus is in Cancer

Venus is the planet of sensitivity and affection, while Cancer is the most nurturing zodiac sign. When these two get together it creates the potential for greater intimacy, and the chance to build up our romantic relationships. We’ll want to stay at home and bond, cuddle, and talk about our feelings. If your love life has been stalled, or if you’ve been dating a commitment-phobe, things may start looking up during this time.


The urge to care for others -- even mother them -- will be stronger while Venus is in Cancer. Family and feeling connected to your roots will become more important and more fulfilling during this time. Nesting will provide a great deal of pleasure now, and you may decide to decorate a room in your house or purchase new furniture or decor. Your home will be your sanctuary, and you’ll want to do what you can to ensure that it is a safe space for you. If you’re in the market to buy or sell, Venus (the planet of money) in Cancer (related to real estate) may be a good time to act.

Don’t be surprised if you feel a bit moody and emotionally delicate when Venus is in Cancer, especially when it comes to your friendships and romantic relationships. This transit can leave us feeling more sensitive than usual, opening us up to the possibility of being wounded emotionally. Cancer’s self-protective nature is to withdraw and hide when this happens, so be mindful of that possibility. The upside to this level of vulnerability is that your heart will be wide open, allowing you to attract and give love more easily.

If you were born with Venus in Cancer


Matters of home and family are incredibly important to people with their Venus in Cancer. Cancer is the homebody of the zodiac, preferring low-key nights in to wild nights out. Your house is your sanctuary, and you prefer activities that pertain to it like cooking, gardening, or decorating. You are the ultimate domestic god or goddess! A home that feels safe and secure is essential, and you’ll do everything you can to protect your loved ones.

Because your home life is so important to you, love is serious business for you! You aren’t interested in flings or casual relationships -- you want a long-term partner you can build a family with. Love without emotional involvement isn’t fulfilling to you, so you seek out relationships where you can have a deep, heartfelt connection with the other person.

Despite wanting a close connection, you are often cautious in matters of the heart. When you’re wounded, it hurts you deeply and takes you a long time to get over it. This why you might seem to have a hard outer shell at first -- you need it to protect the sensitivity that exists beneath you surface. Once you let your guard down, you are a very loving and sentimental partner.

Being born with Venus in Cancer makes you a highly intuitive individual. You have the instinctual ability to pick up on what other people need well before they do, and then figure out ways to support and care for them accordingly. Your heightened sensitivity makes you very empathetic and compassionate, especially toward your closest loved ones. This can sometimes feel like a balancing act, as you can focus so much on the needs of others that you neglect your own.

Venus in Cancer Traits:

  • Maternal
  • Sensitive
  • Loving
  • Intuitive
  • Sentimental
  • Affectionate
  • Dependable
  • Protective
  • Cautious

Venus Forecasts & Reports

Relationship Potential Reading

Unlock the mystery behind your cosmic love connection with this one-of-a-kind compatibility reading!
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Big Picture Love Astrology Forecast

See the most important dates for love over the next 12 months with this personalized love Astrology forecast.
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Love Celtic Cross Tarot Reading


Uncover the complex and deeper issues around any romance with the insight and advice of this 10-card love Tarot reading.
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Astrology, Love, Mars, Venus

Being human is a group experience, which is why relationships are such an important subject. It takes two parents to make us and a community to supply the food, water, and shelter we need to survive. There's no such thing as a self-made man or woman, and it's impossible to pull yourself up by your bootstraps without having someone to make the boots. It is true that some people are solitary types who have a high degree of emotional self-sufficiency, but the vast majority of us want partners to share life's journey.

Relationships, though, are complex ... very complex ... because there are human beings involved. Every one of us is a diverse blend of mind and emotion, desire, repulsion, ambition and sloth. Put any two of us together and the combinations of mixed motivations and contrasting drives multiplies. We need all the tools we can find to reinforce the healthy connections within ourselves and to share them happily with others.

Attraction and action

The Sun of will and consciousness and the Moon of emotion and habit are the central figures of personality in an Astrology chart. They are the essence of what defines us and what lies at the heart of desire, but they are not the means to fulfilling it. Venus and Mars are the arms of love, the agents of personal connection, and the planets of attraction and action. They are not the heart and soul of relationships, but these cannot be reached by other means.

Venus is what we like and Mars is how we get it. The first defines self-worth and attraction and the second is how we put it into action. When they are compatible in a birth chart, the social dance is more graceful. Someone with Venus in impetuous Aries and Mars in audacious Leo may seamlessly navigate between attraction and action. Such a person likes and wants to be liked for being spunky and ready for new experiences and can act with playful creativity that can fulfill those desires.

When Venus and Mars are in opposite signs, we see the challenge of bringing two very different styles to relationships. Happily, it isn't insurmountable and, in fact, it's perfect for the person born with this in her or his chart. Learning how to gracefully move from one approach to the other according to the situation are the critical steps required to smooth the road of relationships.

Venus In Two Acts

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The future is yours to make

Saidiya Hartman Yale

The benefits and challenges indicated in a birth chart, though, do not tell the whole story. There are romantically fulfilled individuals with Venus-Mars tension in their charts and unfulfilled ones with them harmoniously aligned. In the end, it's not the equipment we have that's most important but the way that we use it. Astrology does a brilliant job of describing where we're coming from, but it's up to us to determine where we go.

Venus In Two Acts Questions

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