Red Orchestra 2 Console Commands

Ok folks so I need your help. I am attempting to set up a server for Rising Storm/ Red Orchestra 2. I would like it to be a dedicated, unranked, online server, with bots and campaign and realism. However I have failed multiple times to get this to work. I have the game installed on a separate. Imagine some nooblet unaware of the game console and its commands. They might put Red Orchestra away for good. German campaign and how it all went wrong You begin your career as an unlucky Wermacht soldier at the outskirts of a village outside Stalingrad, with the task of conquering it. Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad played well, but. With the Red Orchestra SDK it is very easy to make many types of levels, from wide open plains (or with rolling hills) to detailed interior settings and building to building fighting. However, depending on what the scale of your map is, you will be limited in the amount of 'detail' you can place in the level. In-game press 'Tilde ' to open up the console and enter: togglehud Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Hide Hud Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Remove Hud Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Toggle Hud Off Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Disable Hud Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Without Hud Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad Turn Off Hud Red. Slomo 2 - Sets game speed to double - Increase number to go faster Slomo.5 - Sets game speed to half - Decrease number to go slower Summon classname - Summon or spawn an instance of the specified classname (this is a package.class string). Teleport - Teleports the player to the surface they are look at.


These are all the console commands that can be used in Killing Floor. Note that not all are actually useful; some are remnants of UT code.

All of those marked 'cheat' require that you first enable cheats using the enablecheats command.

All those marked 'UT' are provided by UT code, although possibly updated by the game.

  • 2Commands

Binding a command to a key

To bind any command to a key simply enter the following in the console, replacing parameters where necessary:

set input <key> <command>

You may also set a command to be called when the key is released, like so:

set input Z Behindview 1 | OnRelease Behindview 0

When you exit the game, the settings will be saved to user.ini.



These are provided in the CheatManager and KFCheatManager classes.

AllAmmoRefills all currently owned weapons.YesYes
ArmorUpGives full armor.YesNo
Arsenal 0/1Gives all weapons. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
AssaultMeGives all Commando weapons.YesNo
Bombs 0/1Gives all Demolitions weapons. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
BondGives Golden Weapons Part I.YesNo
Bond2Gives Golden Weapons Part II.YesNo
CamoGives Camo Weapons.YesNo
EnableCheatsAllows cheats to be used. Disables achievements and perk progress.YesYes
FlameUp 0/1Gives all Firebug weapons. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
Flare 0/1Gives the Flare Revolver. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
Flares 0/1Gives the Dual Flare Revolver. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
FrightPack 0/1Gives the Fright Pack Weapons. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
HealHeals the player as if they were injected with the Syringe.YesNo
HordeSpawns a random horde of specimens.YesNo
IJCGives the IJC weapons.YesNo
ImRichGives £10000.YesNo
LaidLAWGives the LAW.YesNo
MedsGives all Field Medic weapons.YesNo
MeleeMe 0/1Gives all Berserker weapons. 0-None 1-MaxAmmoYesNo
NailsGives Vlad The Impaler.YesNo
PistolsGives all pistols.YesYes
RifleMeGives all rifles.YesNo
SMGGives all sub-machine guns.YesNo
ShottyGives all Support Specialist weapons.YesNo
SniperGives all Sharpshooter weapons.YesNo
ZEDYou've got Zed Eradication Device!.YesNo

Cheats (Other)

Most or all of these are provided in the cheat-related classes but are used for debugging.

BackupSpawns a friendly bot (does not work).YesNo
CauseEvent EventNameTriggers an event.YesYes
ChangeSize SizeChanges player size.YesYes
ClearAllDebugLinesClears all staying debug lines.NoYes
FlyAllows the player to fly around the map.YesYes
FreeCameraChanges to free camera mode.YesYes
FreezeAllStops time for everything but the player.YesYes
FreezeFrame delayPauses the game after a set delay.YesYes
GhostAllows the player to fly and pass through walls.YesYes
HugeGnomeEnlarges gnomes by 20 times their original size.NoNo
InvisibleMakes your character invisible.YesYes
JumpMatch LadderRungN/AYesYes
KillPawnsKills all pawns (doesn't seem to work).YesYes
KillZedsKills all specimens.YesNo
ListDynamicActorsOutputs a list of dynamic actors to the log.YesYes
LockCameraLocks the camera in its current position and rotation.YesYes
MopUpKills all specimens.YesNo
PlayersOnlyStops time for everything but the player.YesYes
SetCameraDist DistanceIn 3rd person view, sets camera distance from player.YesYes
SetFlash ValueN/AYesYes
SetFogB ValueN/AYesYes
SetFogG ValueN/AYesYes
SetFogR ValueN/AYesYes
SetGravity ValueSets gravity.YesYes
SetJumpZ ValueSets jump height.YesYes
SloMo SpeedSets the game speed. Zed time overrides this when it occurs.YesYes
Summon ClassSpawns a specimen of the selected class where the player is pointing.YesYes
TeleportTeleports to the location the player is looking at.YesYes
WriteToLog ParamWrites Param to the log file.NoYes


These are provided in the Console and ExtendedConsole classes.

AddCurrentToFavoritesAdds the current server to the favorites list.
CLSClears the console.
ConsoleCloseCloses the console.
ConsoleOpenOpens the console.
ConsoleToggleToggles the console.
DLO ClassName, ClassTypeCalls DynamicLoadObject() for the selected class name and type.
DumpLoadingHints ParamDumps loading hints for all game types.
DumpPlayInfo GroupDumps the settings of any playinfo objects (debugging).
DumpRecords TypeDumps cache records.
MusicMenuOpens the native music player.
SpeechMenuToggleOpens the voice commands menu.
TalkOpens the chat input box with the 'Say' prefix.
TeamTalkOpens the chat input box with the 'TeamSay' prefix.
TypeOpens the chat input box without the 'Say' prefix, so that console commands can be entered directly.


These are provided in the HUD and HUDKillingFloor classes.

HideScoresHides the tab window.
ShowDebugShows debug information for the player.
ShowHudShows/hides the HUD.
ShowScoresShows the tab window.


These are provided natively by the engine.

Red orchestra 2 console commands dragon age origins
ShowLogOpens the log in a separate window, as if the game was launched with the -log command line parameter.
Set Class, Variable, ValueSets the value of all objects of a given class (and all of its subclasses) and the class default values themselves to Value.
EditActor Class=ClassDisplays an editable property sheet for the property values of the nearest actor of the given class. Only works in windowed mode.
EditActor Name=NameDisplays an editable property sheet for the property values of the given actor. You may have to run the game with the -makenames command line parameter to have it assign unique names to every dynamically spawned actor.
EditDefault Class=ClassDisplays an editable property sheet for the default values of the given class.
EditObj ObjNameDisplays an editable property sheet for the given object. Like EditActor, but works for non-actor objects too.

Red Orchestra 2 Console Commands Free


OrchestraRising storm 2 console

These are admin commands, used for managing players and the game itself. These are provided in the AdminBase class.

PlayerListOutputs a list of players to the log.
Kick Cmd, ExtraKicks the selected player.
KickBan PlayerKicks and bans the selected player.
RestartMapRestarts the map.
NextMapLoads the next map in the list.
Map MapLoads the selected map.
Maplist Cmd, Extra?
Switch URL?


Most of these functions are provided in the pawn and controller classes, and related classes.

ActivateInventoryItem InvItemN/A
Admin CommandLineExecutes an administrative console command on the server.
AdminDebug CommandLineSame as above.
AdminLogin User, PassLogs in as admin.
AdminLoginSilent User, Pass?
AdminLogoutLogs out as admin.
AdminMenu CommandLineN/A
AdminSay MsgSends a chat message to all players, as administrator. The message appears in the middle of the screen, rather than in the chat area.
AltFireSecondary fire.
BasePath NumN/A.
BehindView bEnableCall with true to enable 3rd person view, or false to enable 1st person. Disables perk progression and achievements.
BloomToggles bloom on/off.
BWEffect AmountEnables black-and-white mode, with the intensity of the effect specified as a value between 0 and 1.0. Disables perk progression and achievements.
ChangeCharacter NewCharacter, optional inClass?
ChangeTeam TeamNumN/A
CheckPriorityShows (in the log, console, and message area) the priority of all weapons the player is holding.
Command RecognizedString?
CreateCameraEffect EffectClass?
DisableVoiceChatDisables voice chat.
EnableVoiceChatEnables voice chat.
FirePrimary fire.
ForceReloadReloads the player's weapon.
FOV AngleChanges the camera's field of view if the value passed is 80.0 or higher. Only works in single player or as a spectator.
FreeCamera bOnEnables/disables freelook mode.
GetWeapon WeaponClassSwitches to the specified weapon. See the complete list of weapon class names here.
InvertMouse bEnable (optional)Inverts the mouse's Y axis. If set to true, it sets the mouse to inverted mode. If set to false, it sets the mouse to regular mode.
IronSightZoomInAims down the sights if the current weapon has them.
IronSightZoomOutStop aiming down the sights.
Join ChanName, ChanPwd?
Jump ValudN/A
KillAll ClassN/A
KillBots Num?
L33TPhrase PhraseNum?
Leave ChannelTitle?
LocalTravel URLLocal-equivalent of server travel.
Mutate MutateStringCalls each loaded mutator's Mutate() function and passes the string entered.
PausePauses/unpauses the game.
PipedSwitchWeapon GroupSame as SwitchWeapon.
PlayVehicleHorn HornIndexN/A
postfxbloom_blurmult ValueUsed for adjusting bloom settings. Valid range: 1.0 - 2.0 (default 1.5).
postfxbloom_bpcontrast ValueUsed for adjusting bloom settings. Valid range: 0.0 - 4.0 (default 3.0).
postfxbloom_gpucalcsUsed for adjusting bloom settings.
postfxbloom_ratio ValueUsed for adjusting bloom settings. Valid range: 0.0 - 1.0 (default 0.5).
postfxbloom_ratiomax ValueUsed for adjusting bloom settings. Valid range: 0.0 - 1.0 (default 0.5).
postfxbloom_ratiomin ValueUsed for adjusting bloom settings. Valid range: 0.0 - 1.0 (default 0.0).
postfxbloom_togglegpuUsed for adjusting bloom settings.
ReloadMeNowReloads the player's weapon.
RestartLevelRestarts the map.
Say MsgSends a chat message.
SetAutoTaunt(bool Value)N/A
SetChatPassword(string NewPassword)?
SetFlashScaling Value?
SetMouseAccel ValueSets mouse acceleration.
SetMouseSmoothing Mode?
SetName(coerce string S)N/A
SetSensitivity ValueSets the mouse sensitivity.
SetSpectateSpeed Value?
SetVoice VoicePackSets your character's voice pack. Valid voices are KFMod.KFVoicePack, KFMod.KFVoicePackTwo, KFMod.KFVoicePackThree, and KFMod.KFVoicePackFemale. Does not seem to work online.
SetWeaponHand HandSetting this to hidden hides the player's current weapon.
ShowAIShows detailed debugging information for the currently viewed pawn.
ShowAliasesOutputs a list of bind aliases to the log.
ShowBindingsOutputs a list of bindings to the log.
ShowFakeNotificationShows a fake notification, used to test if notifications are working properly.
ShowGunShows/hides the current weapon.
ShowKickMenuOpens the kick menu. Only works online when kick voting is enabled.
ShowMenuShows ESC menu.
ShowVoteMenuOpens the voting menu. Only works online when voting is enabled.
PlayerCollisionDebugShows/hides player collision areas.
Speak ChannelTitle?
Speech Type, Index, CallsignUses a voice command. Type should be set to AUTO, and Index to the relevant index value of the voice command you want.
SwitchLevel URLChanges map.
SwitchToBestMeleeWeaponSwitches to your best melee weapon.
SwitchToBestWeaponSwitches to your best weapon.
SwitchToLastWeaponSwitches to the last weapon held.
SwitchWeapon GroupSwitches to a weapon of the particular weapon group chosen.
Taunt SequenceN/A
TeamSay MsgSends a chat message to your team only.
ThrowGrenadeThrows a grenade.
ThrowWeaponDrops your current weapon.
ToggleBehindViewToggles 1st/3rd person camera mode.
ToggleDuckToggle duck.
ToggleFlashlightToggles the flashlight.
ToggleIronSightsToggles iron sights.
TogglePathToTraderToggles showing path to the trader.
ToggleScreenShotModeToggles screenshot mode, which hides the current weapon and all HUD elements.
TossCash AmountThrows the specified amount of money, or £50 if Amount is left blank.
UseUses doors or interactive items.
xSpeech type, int Index, SquadLeaderN/A
Field Medic
  • 9mm (dual)
  • MK23 (dual)
  • 44 Magnum (dual)
  • Deagle (dual)
  • Flare Revolver (dual)
  • Maps
    * Green items are paid DLC
    Rising storm 2 bots
    All information has been verified with update 1043

    Rising Storm 2 Bot Server

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